Friday, 6 January 2012

As the Sparks Fly Upward

I didn't think I would enjoy this book but I did. Once I started to read it, I got real engrossed into the novel with Colin and Adam, mostly Colin.
Its a real straight forward story with Colin being the odd duckling out, and Adam being the son with all the attention and strength, but as both grow up Colin finds his own place by being a Physician and Adam being a Seahawk along side Sir Francis Drake. Then Colin meets Heather and his whole life changes, but Heather's scorn leaves a scar inside his heart and Twyla's love for him cures it.
Christianity played a huge role in this story with being saved and inviting Jesus into Colin's life. I don't mind it at all, but I have been reading books on how being a Christian means you are saved and I'm not against Christianity or anything but it's kind of getting irritating. I'm not religious, but I won't I don't care I do. It's just that this is a little annoying with one theme playing in all the books I have read thus far.
I couldn't possibly begin to say what I like about this book. I read it in two days and every single time I just wanted to know what happened next in Colin's life or know if Colin will see that Twyla loves him. This story really grabs your attention and keeps you glued to the story. The pace is good so that's why the reader never gets bored even though its an ordinary story. Gilbert Morris, the author, does a good job in telling this story. One interesting thing about this story is that Colin and Twyla name their second child Gilbert and says, "...I have a feeling this one will be the best of all the House of Winslow." Interesting humor that is laugh worthy Mr. Gilbert Morris finishes the story with by bringing his text back to a full circle using his name. Great read and recommended for anyone interested in the late 1500s with Queen Elizabeth and Sir Francis Drake.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Just Ask

Kim No. 1 - Just Ask by Melody Carlson is written in a diary format that follows the life of an asian, Korean heritage, girl raised by American parents and daily happenings in her life.

I cried a little bit at the end of this book. Just after everything was going good. The end leaves the reader teary eyed. I won't say what it is since it would ruin the book, but its not anything to hide I just don't want to say what it is because the effect of the surprise would wear off.

I read this book before but didn't get into it then until now. Today I enjoyed this book to the end and loved reading and seeing the world through Kim's eyes. This book really lets us get inside Kim's head and everything that she thinks. I'm sure some of us have questioned the same thing Kim has and have experienced the same thing Kim has. Maybe not in the same sense, but close to it. The reality of the story and getting inside Kim's head is what glued my attention to the story.

I probably wasn't too happy with her telling her readers leave it up to God since not everyone believes in the same thing and same person as she does. I certainly didn't mind her being so Christian and telling people to leave it up to God, but I'm not Christian and I don't know how others would take such advice, but thats just me.

All in all, the experience of seeing the world through Kim Peterson, a columnist, eyes was a positive experience and I respect her for her faith and her devotion to her family and friends. I give this book 5 stars and recommend everyone to read this one because sometimes we don't have to-just ask- to pick up a book that might make a difference in our lives like it did to mine (a little).