Saturday, 19 March 2011

Green Witch

It's been a long time since I picked up a book that has left me wanting to buy it now and read it until I am not alive. Green, a girl who has lost her family in a fire, lives alone where every seems to grow with her touch. People come to her to tell her their stories and she writes them down giving each story their own flavor with the garden she grows. From the start, one can tell that she carries a huge weight in her heart. She feels responsible for what has happened to her sister, but she manages to move forward with the stories she hears and continues to write because people are coming to her to relieve their burden. She also knows that she has a position in the village as a writer. She knows that people acknowledge and want her to be there. She knows that she is known in the village as a writer. Over time, Green grows into a character with strength and love. The strength and love she did not have before. The strength and love she lost when she lost her family. Readers will tattoo Green in their heart and let the love of stories grow with her.

There is very little dialogue in this story. Some dialogue that is there is in italics, which I find strange because it adds eeriness to the story. Its as if the conversation has taken place in their mind, but we all know that the conversation has taken place orally. Alice Hoffman keeps her writing simple yet adds depth and clarity along with challenges that teens I know will love. The story is in first person yet readers will feel as if she's telling her story in third person. Alice Hoffman takes story telling to a whole different height. The height that old writers use to take.

Green Witch is written not in chapters, but parts I would say that is full emotional depth. Readers will submerge themselves in elements and colors that will change the readers lives.

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